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bizarre animation
animated humorNovember 2001animated humor
animated by: Jumping Jokes - Schöne BescherungSchöne Bescherung (What a nice Christmas!) Link

This is a black humoured game for the x-mas season animated by Jumping Jokes. Santa Clause's job has always been tough but this time he has only 90 seconds remaining to find 6 presents (German: Geschenke). On top of that, his life is permanently threatened. Of cause his immortal but every "death" costs him precious time...

This little jump'n run game was created for a German radio station. The cartoons were drawn by the German artist and designer digitill® digitill's Web site.
animated humorOctober 2001animated humor
animated by: Jumping Jokes "Echoes" - MTV iClipAlexander Kowalski's "Echoes" Link

"Echoes" is an interactive music clip created for the German MTV iClip Award 2001 animated by Jumping Jokes. Navigate through the music by Alexander Kowalski - the techno and house genius from Berlin. Containing a lot of music and graphics, it's 1 MB of data to download. Sorry for that!

There are only German instructions on the site. Therefore check this:
The clip presents 4 different scenes where you can change the music with smooth mouse movements. Try to avoid to touch the ball that follows your mouse. Only touch it to get back to the first scene.
animated humorSeptember 2001animated humor
Are you bored by Flash games?

The Second Line Check this: The Second Line Link is a Flash game with brilliant vector graphics and finest music. The length of title "The Second Line" by the British band "Clinic" is the time limit. As the player, you walk around as a fly. You can discover 17 environments and collect dozens of points. The Web site provides an online version as well as downloads for PC and Mac.

This game comes up with great artwork, brilliant music and a lot of things to discover.

If you'd like to get more details about the band, check out the Clinic homepage Link as well as the site of their record label Domino Link  .
animated humorAugust 2001animated humor
Are you bored by the present?

Lorgan's Check this: Lorgan's - The Retro Store Link presents furniture from the past. This breathtaking Flash site is divided into two eras: The 1930's to 1950's and the 1950's to 1970's. Both have the look and the sound of the good old days.

Lorgan's Link is another product by the ingenious Web agency Kinetic Interactive Link we presented last year Link .
animated humorJuly 2001animated humor
Are you bored by colourful 3D games running slowly?

Bird Game Check this: The bird in the Compaq Bird GameLink runs very fast, it's black and white, has a wonderful cartoon style and a brilliant sound track.

You've got 60 seconds to find a worm. To be honest - that's not very difficult but it's great fun to see the bird walking and throwing things out of the garbage can... Great artwork! Shockwave plug-in needed.
animated humorJune 2001animated humor
Are you bored by digital arts?

Mark Ryden Check this: Mark Ryden Link uses paint and canvas to create his magic world. Ryden's images may look like illustrations from children's books at first sight. A closer look reveals a fascinating universe of famous persons, symbols from different cultures and religions and many thick slices of meat... Elements dissonant by their nature - here they are living together in a overwhelming harmony.

If you have not the opportunity to visit a "real world" exhibition, check out Mark Ryden's online galleries Link !


animated humorMay 2001animated humor

Are you bored by colourful dreams?

Modern Living Check this: Modern Living Link
presents Mr. H. Hoogerbrugge's dreams, fears and demons which are mainly black and white. His Neurotica-series is a regularly updated collection of animated sequences.

...brilliant animations, nice artwork and bizarre surprises.

animated humorApril 2001animated humor
Are you bored by Flash cartoons?

When I Am King Check this: Demion5's "When I Am King!" Link is a cartoon using simple images and some animations.

Demion5 tells a bizarre story of an Egyptian king and a camel that eats his shorts and falls in love with him. Brilliant drawings, nice plot - who the hell needs Flash?
animated humorMarch 2001animated humor
Are you bored by the layout of your crucifix?

Jesus Dress Up! Check this: "Jesus Dress Up!" Link gives you the opportunity to present Jesus in a more fashionable look. By the help of JavaScript layers you can dress up Jesus in various styles, print it and cut it out.

Voila! In no time you've got your personal Jesus - trendy and unique. A Web site the Christian community must have been waiting for.
animated humorFebruary 2001animated humor
Are you bored by high budget cinema movies?

405 the MovieCheck this: 405 the Movie Link is a short film about the wrong guy - in the wrong place - at the wrong time.

Bruce Branit and Jeremy Hunt created a brilliant piece of entertainment that takes less than 3 minutes. 405 is definitely one of the best computer graphics artworks on the Web.
animated humorJanuary 2001animated humor
Are you bored by the necessity of a dozen movie players, sound players or huge graphic programmes just to view different file types?

IrfanViewCheck this: IrfanView Link is an all in one solution. Irfan Skiljan, graduate of Vienna University of Technology, created a picture, movie, sound and animation player that supports all file formats you can think of: animated.gif, *.mp3, *.wav, *.mpg, *.png, *.ico ....................................... even Photoshop, Paint Shop Pro and Flash files are on the extensions list.

On top of that, IrfanView can be stored on one floppy disk and there's no need to install the programme. No *.dll's will mess up your System. Thanks to Irfan for making Windows a little bit more handy!

The Viewer and all plug-ins are freeware and can be downloaded from Link

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 Archive 2001 

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